Have you ever been in a relationship and been dumped or watched a friend go through a relationship? You're not alone. For those who are currently going through this phase of their life, and even those who have graduated from being single, you can all relate to this analogy. Hopefully, this analogy will encourage those who are scared of relationships or rejection and help them find a fun way to look at their situation.
Last year, one of my really good friends got into a relationship and began to freak herself out about the whole thing. (I think it's a right of passage when you are in the dating world.) We had several conversations during her relationship—one of which led to a rather interesting analogy. Knowing that girls like to shop, I told her to look at dating like she shops for shoes.
Crazy, right? Not really. Think about how you shop for shoes. Do you go into the store, grab a box off the shelf, buy it without trying it on, and walk out? If you do, you're a minority, and with all due respect, probably crazy or have an obsession with making returns.
We all know different brands fit differently. A size 8 in Nike may not be the same size 8 in Adidas or Reebok. Leather fits differently than fabric. Sandals fit differently than tennis shoes. So, why would dating be any different? Each shoe is a new person to go on a date with. You don't pick a shoe up off the shelf immediately and put it on. You look at it and decide if you even like it enough to try it on. Taking a pair of shoes off the shelf doesn't mean you are purchasing the shoe. Going on a date with a person doesn't guarantee an offer of marriage. Thank goodness!
Once you decide you want to try the shoe on, you put it on and walk around the aisle to see how it fits. Not all shoes are made equal, just like not all dating matches are made equal. Sometimes personalities just don't click, just like some shoes won't work for your feet. Even if you put the shoe on, it doesn't mean you are buying the shoe.
Girls look for a second opinion before making a purchase. That's why we go shopping with friends, and shoe shopping is not an exception to this rule. This phase of the shoe shopping is no different than the potential significant other meeting friends and family. You're just getting a second opinion. At this point, you may take the shoe off, walk around some more in the shoe, or decide you want to make the purchase. Either way, you still haven't bought the shoe. The box can go back on the shelf at any time and you can choose to walk away.
When you do finally find a shoe that fits right, is the right price, and have your confirming second opinion from the friend or family you are shopping with, that's when you make the purchase. See how it fits? (No pun intended.)
So, next time you are freaking yourself out about a relationship, or know someone who is freaking themselves out about their relationship, just tell them they're shopping for shoes. Parts of the experience aren't always positive. (Just ask my mom—she hates going shoe shopping with me.) But, in the end it's worth the time spent when you walk out with a perfect fit. No one wants to go through life without shoes....ever. Imagine a 10 mile hike in bare feet. Ouch! That's why we have shoe stores!
Start shopping and have some fun. You don't have to purchase the shoes, just start browsing and see what happens.
Last year, one of my really good friends got into a relationship and began to freak herself out about the whole thing. (I think it's a right of passage when you are in the dating world.) We had several conversations during her relationship—one of which led to a rather interesting analogy. Knowing that girls like to shop, I told her to look at dating like she shops for shoes.
Crazy, right? Not really. Think about how you shop for shoes. Do you go into the store, grab a box off the shelf, buy it without trying it on, and walk out? If you do, you're a minority, and with all due respect, probably crazy or have an obsession with making returns.
We all know different brands fit differently. A size 8 in Nike may not be the same size 8 in Adidas or Reebok. Leather fits differently than fabric. Sandals fit differently than tennis shoes. So, why would dating be any different? Each shoe is a new person to go on a date with. You don't pick a shoe up off the shelf immediately and put it on. You look at it and decide if you even like it enough to try it on. Taking a pair of shoes off the shelf doesn't mean you are purchasing the shoe. Going on a date with a person doesn't guarantee an offer of marriage. Thank goodness!
Once you decide you want to try the shoe on, you put it on and walk around the aisle to see how it fits. Not all shoes are made equal, just like not all dating matches are made equal. Sometimes personalities just don't click, just like some shoes won't work for your feet. Even if you put the shoe on, it doesn't mean you are buying the shoe.
Girls look for a second opinion before making a purchase. That's why we go shopping with friends, and shoe shopping is not an exception to this rule. This phase of the shoe shopping is no different than the potential significant other meeting friends and family. You're just getting a second opinion. At this point, you may take the shoe off, walk around some more in the shoe, or decide you want to make the purchase. Either way, you still haven't bought the shoe. The box can go back on the shelf at any time and you can choose to walk away.

So, next time you are freaking yourself out about a relationship, or know someone who is freaking themselves out about their relationship, just tell them they're shopping for shoes. Parts of the experience aren't always positive. (Just ask my mom—she hates going shoe shopping with me.) But, in the end it's worth the time spent when you walk out with a perfect fit. No one wants to go through life without shoes....ever. Imagine a 10 mile hike in bare feet. Ouch! That's why we have shoe stores!
Start shopping and have some fun. You don't have to purchase the shoes, just start browsing and see what happens.